Marklin Z Neuheiten 2016

1月15日 待望の2016年の新製品がメルクリン社のサイトで発表されました。


80326 Z Gauge Insider Annual Car for 2016 Offener Güterwagen Eanos-X 052
80416 Z Gauge Easter Car for 2016
81281 “Lufthansa Airport Express” Train Set BR 103
81352 Freight Train for Coal Transport Consisting of a Class 80 Steam Locomotive and 5 Gondolas BR 80
81770 “Commuter Train” Train Set V 36.2
82175 Type Gl 11 Boxcar.
82176 Type Gl 11 Boxcar.
82177 Type Gl 11 Boxcar.
82178 Type Gl 11 Boxcar.
82261 Type Gl 11 Boxcar.
82262 Type Gl 11 Boxcar.
82263 Type Gl 11 Boxcar.
82264 Type Gl 11 Boxcar.
82265 Type Gl 11 Boxcar.
82266 Type Gl 11 Boxcar.
82394 Anniversary Set for 500 Years of the German Beer Purity Law
82395 Anniversary Set 2 for 500 Years of the German Beer Purity Law
82540 Swiss Sugar Beet Harvest Car Set EANOS
82572 Power Shovel Transport Freight Car Set. Consisting of 3 Cars, Types Ssw 07, Ro 10, and R 10
86213 Crude Iron Car Set
86214 Slag Car Set
87303 DB AG “Touristikzug” Passenger Car Set 2
87502 Passenger Car Set
88134 Heavy Diesel Locomotive BR 132, DR
88145 Class Kittel CidT 8 Steam-Powered Rail Car
88184 Express Locomotive with a Tender BR 18.1, DB
88198 American Diesel-Electric Locomotive as a Three-Unit Combination EMD F 7, General Motors
88587 Electric Locomotive ES 64 U2
88785 Diesel Locomotive BR V 160, DB
88789 Locomotive Set of Diesel Locomotives. BR 218, DB AG
88956 Class 130 TB Steam Tank Locomotive Serie 130 TB (Ex. BR 74)
89806 “Small Maintenance Facility” Architectural Building Kit Set Part 2
この中で88145 Class Kittel CidT 8 Steam-Powered Rail Carが、これまでとガラリと違ったタイプの製品で気になるところです。
Lufthansa Airport Expressも昨年のBR111に続いて今年はBR103で。
昨年のInsiderモデルのディーゼル機関車 BR236は2両背中合わせで発表されましたが、今年は単機でV36.2ディーゼル機関車として発売予定です。


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